St Clare's Catholic Primary School
A Community of Faith & Learning. Uniting, Serving, Empowering.
~ Your Light in Our Hands ~
Loving God,
We give thanks for our unique and diverse community, brought together by your grace.
Illuminate the path so that we, like Saint Clare, can always follow the example of Christ.
Reflect in us your spirit of love, compassion and generosity.
May we continue to hold your light in our hands.
Your Light in Our Hands
For St Clare’s School, Truganina
Words & music: Michael Mangan
We live … we share … we celebrate our family of faith.
We learn … we serve … we come to follow Jesus every day.
O, everyone is welcome here, everyone belongs.
United in diversity, difference makes us strong.
At St Clare’s Truganina we carry God’s light in our hands.
O God, we carry your light in our hands.
We gather in community and shine our light each day,
Sharing God’s creation as we work and when we play.
St Clare inspires and leads us to always do what’s right.
As we hear the call of Jesus to turn darkness into light.
We’re joyful and we’re generous, children of the light,
Looking to the future with the Spirit as our guide.
Illuminate our path, O God, from many, make us one,
Embracing one another with compassion and with love.
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